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Past Experiences

Enterprise Rent-A-Car

The summer before my senior year at Temple University I interned at Enterprise Rent-A-Car. I thought that Enterprise was the perfect opportunity for me to gain more customer service and sales experience. This was a fresh start for me to use my past sales skill-set into a new retail environment. Right from the start of the internship I started selling insurance to clients well above the regional and cooperate standard. My Branch Manager, Area Manager, and Regional Vice President were extremely impressed by my sales and leadership skills throughout the internship leading to me being awarded the Top Intern Scholarship Award at the end of the internship. I learned a lot about working as a team and how to better problem solve while I interned at Enterprise Rent-A-Car.

Best Buy

I began working at Best Buy during the start of my freshman year of high school. Best Buy is a major electronics retailer that sells to all demographics. I worked at the Best Buy in North Wales, PA which was the closest Best Buy to my house. During the first two years I worked at Best Buy I worked in the Portable Electronics department which consisted of selling MP3 players, cameras, GPS systems, and stereos. I took a year off from Best Buy to attend my first year of college at Temple University. I returned to Best Buy for my final year with the company the next year. During this final year I moved departments to Best Buy Mobile. In Best Buy Mobile, I primarily sold cell phones and MP3 players. I enjoyed my entire employment with Best Buy and the experience I got out of it. I learned how to talk to people in a professional setting and how to sell. The experience I received at Best Buy will help me for years to come.


After I completed my sophomore year at Temple University, I moved to my own apartment on campus. I was in need of an on campus job, so I looked for a job where I could use the same electronics knowledge I had learned at Best Buy. This is when I decided to apply to work at RadioShack. I later on got hired at RadioShack as they knew that I had to what it took to sell and provide customers information about electronics. I learned a lot about business management from working at RadioShack. I worked very closely with my store manager and he taught me how to manage people and to be an even more successful salesman.

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