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Flash Research Paper 4

Carolyn Young

Professor Doyle

MIS 2101- IT Architecture

9 October 2014

Flash Research Assignment 4- Sharepoint

By using Sharepoint software to increase the productivity of the company’s PMP’s, the company would save $948,500 over the course of three years. The PMP’s would be able to increase their billable hours by 210 hours per year per PMP due to increased efficiency of document sharing and communication between PMP’s. These hours total 2,100 extra hours a year for all 10 PMP’s. This would allow PMP’s to spend less time managing documents and more time creating customer value. This opportunity would allow the company to not only increase its revenue, but also eliminate almost all of the backlogged work.

Microsoft Sharepoint provides a way for project teams to collaborate more easily. Documents can be stored and organized on Sharepoint, and multiple people can edit the same document, at the same time, without creating a new version. By sharing, storing, and creating documents on Sharepoint, it would increase the level of communication between employees, causing them to be more productive. Sharepoint is user friendly and stores many types of documents and applications, so employees would be able to entirely depend on Sharepoint.

Currently the PMP’s work 1,500 hours per year and make an average of $175 an hour, generating $262,500 worth of revenue per year. With 10 PMP’s this collectively equals $2,625,000 in revenue per year. By using Sharepoint to increase employee productivity, each PMP can now work 1,900 hours/year but will need to spend 190 hours per year on system support. Making an average of $175 per hour each PMP would now generate $299,250 in revenue, totaling $2,992,500 per year. Sharepoint would cost $100,000 to purchase the hardware and an additional $18,000 for annual maintenance, making the total expenses $154,000. However, the savings over three years would total $1,102,500 making the total savings after implementation $948,500 and a worthwhile investment.




Figure 1

  Hours per year Hours spent on system support


Revenue/year/PMP Total revenue/year
Sharepoint 1,900 190 $299,250 $2,992,500
Traditional 1,500 0 $262,500 $2,625,000
Savings/year       $367,500


Figure 2

Year 0 1 2 3 Total
Costs -$100,000 -$18,000 -$18,000 -$18,000 -154,000
Savings/year   $367,500 $367,500 $367,500 $1,102,500
Total Savings         $948,500




Works Cited


“SharePoint 2013 Overview.” SharePoint 2013 Overview a Collaboration Software Features. Microsoft, n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2014.


“Microsoft SharePoint Hosting – Why SharePoint ?” Benefits & Advantages of SharePoint Cloud Hosting. Sherweb, n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2014.


Treumann, Robert. “Top 10 Benefits of Microsoft SharePoint Server – ESCRIBE™ Blog.” ESCRIBE™ Blog. N.p., 1 May 2013. Web. 27 Oct. 2014.

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