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Lockheed Martin Internship



Summer 2014

This upcoming summer I will be interning at Lockheed Martin in Moorestown, New Jersey. The focus will be on MIS, but hopefully I can utilize my growing knowledge in Finance at some point during the summer.

At this point, I do not know too much about the day-to-day work that I will be doing. I do know that there will be several group projects to complete during the duration, which will be presented to high ranking officials. This aspect is both exciting and nerve racking because group projects require large amounts of work from everyone involved. If the project proves to be a success, then it is a rewarding experience.

As I am wrapping up my internship at Lockheed Martin, it was great to look back and read what I wrote in April, and see how much it differs from what I actually did. During my three months, I worked with Procurement, Mobility, the iLab, Plans and Controls, Infrastructure, and did a major project with six other interns. It was a whirlwind of a summer, but I learned an incredible amount that has helped me to evolve as a student and future employee of a company.

Most of the things I learned was stuff that can’t be taught in the classroom like how to interact with employees and how to learn the culture of a corporation. These invaluable lessons will help carry me forward in my career. I also learned an outrageous amount about new and emerging technologies and how they can align with a business. Every day I walked in with uncertainty about what I may learn, and I was never disappointed.  I never thought I would have the opportunity to work for a world leader like Lockheed Martin, and I will carry everything I have learned from it for the rest of my career.

I have been lucky enough to continue my internship through the Fall and Spring semesters of my Senior year. The experience I get from even working two days a week in a real world setting is incomparable. It has been great to be surrounded by people who truly want to see you succeed.

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