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Activities & Achievements

Alpha Epsilon Phi – Phi Theta Chapter

Alpha Epsilon Phi was founded on October 24, 1909 at Barnard College in New York.  The founding sisters promoted the idea of diversity by envisioning an organization of women of all backgrounds, religions, interests and beliefs.  The ultimate goal was to form lifelong friendships, while completing academic courses, partaking in social activities, and helping to better the community.  The Phi Theta Chapter of Temple University was formed on May 12, 1984, and the sorority currently has 125 active sisters.  As a chapter, we strive to raise awareness for our national philanthropies, Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation and Sharsheret, by fundraising through can shakes, holding bake sales, and participating in the Philadelphia AIDS walk.  We also take part in Relay for Life, as well as many other self-initiated and volunteer projects.  Aside from community service, our sorority gets involved with the university life, by forming recreational sports teams and having social events with other organizations.

Future Business Leaders of America

FBLA is an organization that teaches business principles and skills to high school students.  Our organization would meet monthly and participate in regional and state competitions.  Through the NJFBLA Southern Region Competitive Events, I would partake in a test of my preference and hopefully qualify for the state competition.  The tests involved many questions that would assess your knowledge on the subject, as well as critical thinking skills to solve various situations.  In my two years in FBLA, I received several awards from regional competitions.  In 2010, I came in 3rd place for Accounting 2, and the following year, I took 1st place for Business Calculations.

Distributive Education Clubs of America

DECA is an extra curricular club available to students who take a marketing, finance, hospitality, business management or entrepreneurship course.  The organization is meant to prepare high school students for college, by providing them with additional learning opportunities.  DECA also assists students in preparing for the responsibilities of a full-time job, by teaching them proper business ethics and leadership skills.  DECA conducts a regional, state and national competition, in which students are assessed on their business knowledge and capabilities in various rounds.  During my one year membership in DECA, I was able to take part in the 2011 NJ DECA Regionals.  Not only was I judged on my multiple-choice test-taking skills, but I was also given various scenarios in which I had to propose a solution or create a business plan, proving my abilities to make decisions creatively, efficiently, and quickly.  I competed in the Accounting Applications category, and I was awarded with 2nd and 3rd place.

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