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Giant Food Store


Since June 2007 I have had the pleasure of being a part time employee at a Giant Food Store in West Chester Pennsylvania. During the last six plus years I have mainly been a Service Associate where I assist in the general daily operations of a retail food store to assure that our 3,800 plus daily customers are satisfied with their shopping experience. After about a year of working I was given the responsibility of training new Service Associate hires. I  train them on daily tasks (proper bagging of groceries, store walks, assisting customers, and pushing carts) and would review expectations.  I always  try to instill in the new hire the importance of great customer service and how going the extra mile while working will get you noticed by management. A couple of years ago I made the move to the grocery department where I am in charge of stocking shelves and keeping track of your inventory.


Every year each Giant holds a bagging competition to see who the stores best bagger is and send them to compete against the winners from the other  stores in the district. I am proud to say that I am the two time store champion 2009,2010.

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