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Interesting Facts About Me



  1.  A movie I have watched multiple times and have not gotten sick of is Interstellar. This movie is the main reason why I love space so much and love looking at the stars. I will say any movie / show focused in space I tend to enjoy.
  2. My favorite sports team would have to be the Lakers. Ever since I was a child I loved Kobe Bryant which is the main reason for my love for the Lakers. I recently just started watching the NFL this year and fully ride with the Eagles now.
  3. Some of the T.V. shows I am watching right now are Snowfall, The Sopranos, and The Mandalorian.
  4. I was born in Reading, PA and lived there for some years before moving to Hershey, Pa where I spent most of my School years.
  5. I have one dog and his name is Hendrix.
  6. The App I visit daily would have to be discord. I tend to stay off all social medias and found the best way to talk to old friends was through discord.
  7. My favorite thing to do outside of school work is go to the gym, and play basketball
  8. I would have to say the coolest thing I’ve done is visit my dads birth place and my moms birthplace. My father is from Alexandria, Egypt and we typically go once a year to visit family. My mother is from Monte Di Procida, Italy I have visited my family there only twice.
  9. My proudest accomplishment is I am first generation college student.
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