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Data & Analytics Series: Reengineer Decisions to Drive Value by Prioritizing Data and Analytics

Name of Sponsoring Organization: Gartner Webinars

Details: This webinar took place on March 27, 2023, from 10:00am – 11:00am. The speaker for this webinar was Andrew White. He mainly focused on the challenges you may face when making business decisions and different ways where data analytics may help with that.

What I learned: Every year, decisions making has become more complex. They have become more connected, contextual, and continuous. It was shown that more than a third if businesses believe tracking and analyzing the results of decisions is challenging. All decision made goes through certain phases. These phases are capture, interpret, model, resolve, and act. Reengineering Decision making is a team sport. More than one group can help each other by communicating and connected to help decision making.

Connection to Course Work/Career Goal:  I am currently taking a data analytics class so it is interesting to learn how it may help with a very important subject like business decision making.


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