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Perficient – The Critical Role Of Audience Intelligence – Webinar

  • The name of the sponsoring organization is Perficient
  • The webinar was hosted in an app called GoToMeeting and was accessible via an invitational link via email post registering. The webinar was from 3:00PM-3:45PM.
  • I learned about audience intelligence, which is useful, usable data about customers, potential customers, and the community; how this data helps answer questions like “How are we going to reach a broader audience? “What demographic is my product or services targeting?” through the utilization of demographics, psychographics, and behavioral traits of the customer data; and how the collection of this data is done; through surveys, interviews, and analytics.
  • I found this webinar’s content to correlate with the field of data analytics, a relevant career path as an MIS major, as analytics can more accurately reveal that data provided by the customer versus the analytical findings reveal vastly different results. For example, the customer may say they use product ‘x’ but in real time they enjoy the product ‘y’ more.
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