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My Experience

Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity

As a founding brother, and current executive board member, of the young ZBT of Greater Philadelphia chapter, I have worked hard over the past three years building a strong organization from the ground up. In my time with ZBT I have helped write a constitution, expand membership 300%, oversee the recognition process with Temple’s student organization staff and establish a strong culture of responsibility to the university and local community.

Robin Real Estate

As an intern with Robin Real estate, I have been working to maintain, and improve, their longstanding tradition of being one of the top realtors and property management groups in Center City Philadelphia. My biggest undertaking has been to update the technology used throughout the office by reorganizing the company’s files into a more accessible database as well as implementing software that allowed tenants to communicate with the office, pay rent, and submit work requests online. In the beginning stages of the update process, efficiency has already dramatically improved throughout the company as this 77 year old office is being ushered into the new technological era.

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