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IT Intern

As an IT Intern at Braskem America, I am gaining valuable, real-world experience working for a company that is in the midst of a major digital transformation. Braskem is implementing IT-related improvements throughout all aspects of its business. During my time here, I have had the chance to see the multiple benefits of technology such as RPA, OCR and \”Digital Twin.\” My role has been to act as an IT Project Manager to ensure these initiatives are successful despite the constraints of cost, quality and time. That being said, I am extremely grateful to have taken MIS 3535, which focused on Project Management essentials such as Agile, Change Management and Budgeting. Another course that has been relevant to my experience is MIS 3506 which introduced me to the importance of gathering business requirements and creating a strong business case. Overall, I believe the versitle nature of my MIS courework has provided me with the knowledge and skills that I need to be successful in an IT-related position.

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