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Thinkful Webinar: Getting Started in Tech

On November 27, 2018, I attended Thinkful\\\’s Webinar titled Getting Started in Tech. This webinar focused on the high demand for technology-related skills and how to leverage technical skills during one\\\’s job search. First, I was reminded of the importance of networking within the tech industry, as cold applications are the least effective way of landing a job. Additionally, I learned that, for employers, skills are oftentimes more important than experience. It is crucial that one can demonstrate his/her technical skills during interviews. Job-seekers are encouraged to take advantage of resources such as Meetup, freeCodeCamp and Code Academy in order to stay relevant within the industry.

This webinar was extremely valuable for me because I am currently seeking internship/job opportunities within the tech industry. That being said, it is essential for me to understand what employers are looking for, what skills to focus on and how to stay competitive amongst my peers.

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