My E-Portfolio


Bits Assignment 1 7/7

Mapping a route in Powerpoint

0.  Walk the following route.  Pretend to buy things or check out a book.  Time each step in the sequence.  Route:  Alter Hall > Saxbys (for coffee) > 7eleven (for a doughnut) > Tyler School of Art (to sit on the grass and eat) > Paley Library (for a book) > Alter Hall


–  Time spent in each step.

–  All people engaged in the journey

–  All artifacts engaged in the process (objects, tools, money, etc)

–  Diagram the path you walk and take photos of each part of the journey.


1.  Download a map of campus in pdf format from the University website.

2.  Use the map as a background for your Powerpoint

3.  Draw over the map a route from Alter Hall > Saxby’s (for coffee) > 7eleven (for a doughnut) > Tyler School of Art (to sit on the grass) > Paley Library (for a book) > Alter Hall

4.  Experiment with different drawing tools and animations to make the map unfold sequentially for the viewer.

5.  Use animations that ENHANCE the communication of the experience

6. Find ways to use icons or images to represent artifacts engaged (coffee, doughnut, book) and when they are engaged.

7.  Find ways to integrate DURATION and TIME in the map



Alter to Saxby – 2 min 30 secs

Saxby to 7-11 – 30 secs

7-11 to Tyler – 3 min 45 secs

Tyler to Paley – 3 min 30 secs

Paley to Alter – 3 min 40 secs