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September 26 Personal Journal Entry

Over the past few weeks our team has been creating the first set of drafts. We were able to successfully complete these documents through delegation. I personally am responsible for the quality management plan and the business rules. One thing that has been working for us is meeting with our BA’s. Although it is not on a regular basis, the meetings we do have are productive. So far we have helped them with their scope document and interview questions. We have also created a google drive to easily share information between one another. One problem we, the PM’s and BA’s have been running into is finding a time to meet. It has been hard to find a time because some of us commute and others have extracurricular activities. Because of this problem, we have not yet setup a time to meet on a weekly basis. We need to setup a definite time soon so that we can make sure we are all on track. If we can’t find a time to all meet in person, then we will need to pick a time to all meet virtually. We are also going to develop agendas for our meetings to increase our productivity. By making these changes, I believe myself and the other PM’s  will be able to better assist the BA’s and make things easier for us.

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