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Personal Interests


I’ve always been very passionate about different sports, as I’ve both participated and spectated my entire life. some of my favorites being basketball, soccer, and football, but am always interested in discovering and learning about new ones. I played football for nine years throughout my life, two of those years being in high school, where I primarily played middle linebacker for both varsity and junior varsity. I also played lacrosse for two years during high school in order to stay in shape for the upcoming football season but quickly grew to appreciate the game for what it was and the lessons it taught me. I have been a die-hard 76ers fan since 2005 and attending games at the Wells Fargo Center is always a great time that I like to experience as much as possible each season.

Travel and Adventure

Although I don’t have much traveling experience, I still have a great passion for exploring and discovering new places. My travels include many different states mostly on the eastern side of the United States but unfortunately, have never been given the opportunity to travel outside of the country. The places I have traveled to though, have led me to great experiences and adventures such as white water rafting, ziplining, and cliff jumping. I consider myself a very open-minded individual, so trying new things is always something I strive to do especially in new locations. I hope to one day be in a position where traveling to new places becomes more of a normality in my life.

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