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Digital Leader Fireside Chat Larry Dignan

  1. Title of the activity – Digital Leader Fireside Chat Larry Dignan
  2. Term of the activity – IT Webinar
  3. Name of sponsoring organization – IBIT
  4. Details of the activity (e.g., where, when) – November 18, 2020, 12-1pm on Zoom
  5. What you learned – Larry Dignan, who is the Global Editor in Chief at ZDNet, spoke about careers in the context of remote work. Larry touched on a variety of subjects in regard to remote work from interviewing, training, productivity, and the future outlook of remote work. One thing that stuck with me from this webinar was the discussion of the future of remote work. Larry mentioned that many firms are seeing an opportunity to cut costs by getting rid of office space and having more employees work remotely. Another interesting scenario he mentioned is that he sees a future in which a lot of companies offer hybrid remote work, where employees will work remote on some days and come into the office on other days.
  6. How the activity relates to coursework or your career goals – I thought this webinar was important for any business student career outlook but especially for MIS students who will almost certainly partake in some variation of remote work. I was glad I attended this webinar as I am graduating in the spring and with all the uncertainty around COVID, it was nice to get a preview of what the process of remote work will be like in regards to interviewing and beginning my career.
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