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IBIT Digital Leader Fireside Chat Dinesh Desai

  1. Title of the activity – Digital Leader Fireside Chat Dinesh Desai
  2. Term of the activity – IT Webinar
  3. Name of sponsoring organization – IBIT
  4. Details of the activity (e.g., where, when) – October 19, 2020, 12pm-1pm on Zoom
  5. What you learned – Dinesh Desai, who is the Executive Chairman and Founder of Emtec, discussed the current state and future outlook of the IT industry. He talked about the growing demand for jobs in IT services and mentioned currently that many firms do not have an adequate IT infrastructure. One thing he mentioned that stuck with me was the value of both technical skills and academia for a prospective employee.
  6. How the activity relates to coursework or your career goals – As an MIS minor who is graduating in the spring, I thought this webinar was helpful. Hearing from someone in the industry I want to work in and getting meaningful advice will help prepare me for when I am applying for jobs in the spring.
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