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NetCom Learning – AWS Discovery Day

Title: AWS Discovery Day – Securing Your AWS Cloud

Term: Spring 2023

Name of Organization: NetCom Learning

Details: This was a webinar held on June 13th at 10 AM and it discussed topics related to AWS and securing the cloud based services on AWS.

Learned: Unfortunately the vast majority of the information discussed in this specific webinar was similar to the topics that were discussed in the Cloud Architecture class that I took last semester with Professor Doyle. A lot of the things discussed were good refreshers on the information, specifically how it all lines up. They drew a few diagrams of how things interact with each other which helped during class and was an important visual to help remind me how those things worked.

Relation to Career: I’m not entirely sure how this relates to my future career yet but having a knowledge of AWS and cloud services in general will be a useful skill to have.

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