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Interesting Facts Page

Hello! Though I gave a brief summary of my life in my “About Me” page, there’s more to me than that. Here are some interesting facts about me!

  1. One of the movies I’ve watched over and over again is How to Train Your Dragon and Ratatouille. The animation and music are so beautiful in these movies that it’s hard not to rewatch.
  2. I actually don’t have a favorite sports team 🙁 I wish I was more into sports like that but it’s hard to get into it.
  3. I am currently watching Twenty Five Twenty One! It is a Korean drama and it’s so entertaining.
  4. I only have one cat right now and her name is Choco. I got her as a 3-month old kitten.
  5. The apps I visit on the daily are: Instagram, Messenger, iMessage, and as of recently, Outlook.
  6. I enjoy walks around anywhere and since it’s getting warmer now, I’ll be sure to do that more.
  7. I think my coolest accomplishment is creating a choreography for my fan dancing group for multiple performances on my own. It was hard but really fun at the same time. It definitely was rewarding as well.
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