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Digital Media Intern – The Franklin Institute

I started in mid January and it lasted until the first week of May so this internship program was about 20 weeks. My schedule was Mondays-Fridays 9 am – 5 pm where I switched between working from home and in the office. I was on a full time availaI worked as a digital media intern and my responsibilities were anywhere from using content management systems for the museum’s website to analyzing site traffic and compiling reports. From this internship, I learned what it meant to be in MIS and how being so, can help an organization.

More specifically, the things I did at my internship involved:
  • Created new and edited existing content on the content management system for
  • Hand-coded web pages using HTML and CSS
  • Assisted with quality assurance and wrote technical documentation for The Franklin Institute’s microsites
  • Tested and tracked The Franklin Institute’s mobile application for bugs and potential issues
  • Ensured search engine optimization through metadata and keyword research
  • Analyzed site traffic and compiled reports on traffic with Google Analytics
  • Trained new interns on website and mobile application content
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