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Sandbox Inc. – Business Analyst

I had the great opportunity to work with a startup called Sandbox Inc. during the Fall 2017 semester. Sandbox is an educational technology company with a mission to increase the efficiency and ease in “makerspaces” and engineering labs. Sandbox does this by providing procurement and resource planning throughout Universities and K-12 schools across the country. In my position as a Business Analyst, I was responsible for doing market research, along with developing the overall plan and goals of the business. During my research, I was able to create a sales funnel to narrow down potential schools we wanted to target. Along with finding the schools, I was responsible in finding a schools budget, number of students, and articles about their engineering lab. During my time at Sandbox, I had the opportunity to develop the scope, along with creating business models and diagrams. Having the opportunity to work at Sandbox has allowed me to collaborate effectively as a team and gave me the experience in working with a startup.

The link to Sandbox can be seen here: Sandbox Inc.

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