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Before attending college, my hobbies were always sports and video game. I spent lot of my times on video games during high school and when I am not playing video games, I am usually out playing sports and exercising with my friends. As time goes on I was interested in video edit so I started a YouTube channel where I would make highlights of my game-plays. I spent lot of time researching how to video editing and lot of times working on the videos. My channel didn’t turn out popular at the beginning but I kept working at it because I got into it and I wasn’t looking forward for anything in return. As time goes on, I got invited to sign up with Google Adsense, which is a program where they place advertisement on your video and they reward you with revenues. Soon after I was approached by an actual company.

Now my interest is technologies, I believe that technologies can help shape our future. IT can help improve medicine to cure disease and find out ways to cure new diseases. Also I believe technologies can help improve us as human beings, help us be healthier and stronger. Everything has IT behind it, especially business, IT can help analyze data and improve revenue. That is way I am highly interested in technologies because it can help us in so many different ways.


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