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My Experience

Teaching Assistant- SteppingStones Scholars (January 2021 – present) 

This winter, I have been volunteering as a teaching assistant for an after school coding club through SteppingStones Scholars. Each week, my team and I meet with 10 – 20 middle schoolers via Zoom. We teach our lesson for the day, and then work on coding and hands on activities in breakout rooms. I love interacting with the students and working with them to help them learn more about coding and technology.

Student Athlete Academic Tutor- Temple University’s Resnick Activity Center (August 2020- present)  

As an academic tutor, I individually meet with a select number of students on a weekly basis over Zoom to prepare them for exams, review course material, discuss upcoming assignments, and look over past tests and homework. I am required to record every session and upload it to OneDrive, and then document session by filling out a tutor report after every time meeting . I currently tutor Quantitative Methods for Business, Statistical Business Analytics, Microeconomics, and Human Resource Management.

This work experience has enhanced my communication skills in an environment where I’m trying to explain ideas to someone who knows less about the topic than I do. I think this is an important skill to grow in a technology field because in the future I will be working with people, especially clients, who don’t understand the concepts they need help in. Being able to communicate solutions and ideas to people who aren’t as educated in the specific field you are working in will be vital in information systems.

Business Honors Student Association Fundraising Director (January 2021-present) and Fundraising Associate (December 2019 – January 2021) at Temple University

My duties as the Fundraising Director for BHSA include organizing fundraising events and sales, working with the officer team to coordinate monthly schedules, and representing the organization when speaking to external businesses. I am also responsible for my associates and the success of my team.

Event planning involves thorough preparation and collaboration with all levels of the officer team to ensure success. Clear communication is also a necessity when planning or speaking with officers and promoting events to members. As a fundraising associate, I am always practicing these skills and finding ways to improve them. Connecting with external businesses has taught me how to professionally extend myself and communicate with professionals through email, over the phone, or in person. This is important experience to have when entering into the business world because proper etiquette is required when speaking to a representative of a company or person of superiority in the workplace.

Social Media Manager- Pathfinder Country Day Camp (June 2020 – present)  

After working as a counselor at Pathfinder Country Day Camp for 4 years, I volunteered to be the camp’s social media manager. My tasks include taking pictures throughout the day, making posts of daily activities and events, and posting reminders and updates on the story. I also recorded the annual skit day dances, then edited and uploaded them to be viewed on google drive. All of my work promotes the company brand to new and existing customers.

This position placed me outside of my comfort zone, but was so valuable in introducing me to a new toolkit I will need in the future. The job required me to be creative and think outside of the box, while producing content viewers enjoyed. By the end of the summer, I received positive feedback from my boss, parents of the campers, and many of the Instagram’s followers. I now feel more comfortable in a basic media and marketing position after this experience.

Camp Counselor – Pathfinder Country Day Camp (June 2016 – August 2020) – seasonal 

As a counselor, I am responsible for my group of campers, and supervise them in sports, arts and crafts, swim, and field trips. Once I was promoted to head counselor, I became responsible for advising and overseeing the assistant counselors and counselors in training. I am a role model to them and try to lead by example every day to teach them about being a good counselor. From a young age, being a camp counselor has taught me about responsibility that could be applied to any aspect of life. I will bring the lessons I’ve learned from working with children, being accountable for other’s safety, and leading a group into my future working life.

Hostess and Waitress- Manor Oktoberfest (February 2019 – June 2019) 

My responsibilities as a hostess included offering friendly customer service by seating guests, taking reservations, and answering questions over the phone. I also multitasked the jobs of running food, bussing, cleaning, and resetting tables, sending phone orders to the kitchen, restocking supplies,  preparing takeout orders, and making desserts. I supported the servers by helping them with their tasks when they were overwhelmed in order to expedite table turnover.

Being a hostess provided me with many skills I am thankful to have acquired on the job. Working in such a fast paced environment taught me how to multitask all of my responsibilities while staying calm and completing my duties well. It also excited me and showed me I enjoy working under those conditions, completing tasks efficiently, and being actively involved at my job. I also improved many soft skills from being a host. I learned how to communicate with customers no matter how they felt, provide them with the best service I could, ask for help from my coworkers, and be a quality representative for a company. Speaking with customers over the phone also enhanced my abilities of communicating through technology. I became comfortable picking up the phone, answering questions, taking reservations, and placing food orders, all while being responsible for my other duties.

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