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IT Challenges

  1.             ATM program in Python   –   CIS 1051

As a group of three, our project was based on writing an ATM program. Throughout this program, we will be choosing a specific bank named ‘Temple”, which has multiple account holders’.

In fact, users or account holders’ will have to enter their account number, and then print their beginning balance. Later, the ATM will ask them if they want to make a deposit or a withdrawal. Also, depending on the user selection, a function will be called to perform the action wanted. After this point, a print should be executed to get the user new balance.        Within the completion of this program, we will recognize the need for a class and define it.  In addition, we will determine the attributes and behavior of classes required by the program. We will list the methods, including the parameters and returns types that realize the behavior of the classes. There will be appropriate data structures to represent the attributes of the classes.

Finally, I will be creating a class called Accounts, which will have different functions such as Deposit, Withdrawal. Moreover, inside each functions there will be objects such as Primary Checking and Primary Saving. Therefore, each functions will be calling an action to be performed, which will at the end generate a new balance for each performed actions. I believe that this project should be a positive challenge for me because it will help develop an extended sense of research in the programming area.

Please feel free to take a look :


         2.                Temple Analytics  Challenge Fall 2015   –    MIS 2502

Please find attached more details about the project:

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