MIS Major | Digital Marketing Minor

MIS 3535 Personal Journal Entry – November 14th

Not much has changed in the past week.  We are still on time and on track.  The only change that has occurred is the deliverable that was worked on this week.  The BAs mostly focused on the business rules.  They have a good amount of business rules, but I recommend they try to come up with more business rules.  I know that they will come up with more business rules once their prototype is almost or fully developed.  In today’s meeting, we looked over the business rules and personas and made suggestions/comments for revisions. In addition, we discussed what the BAs should expect and our expectations for the presentation day. Everyone now knows their roles/responsibilites for that day.

I’m still in charge of reminding my teammates to track their hours.  I did notice that it is a lot harder than I was expecting.  I’m thinking of other ways that could

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