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Work Experience & Goals







Finance Intern

Starting in September 2013 I began the roll as Finance Intern for the National Constitution Center.  I work directly with the Director of Finance and Staff Accountant to complete day-to-day operations and help prepare month-end and year-end reports. Some of my duties include updating accounts payable and receivable reports using SAGE-MIP Accounting software and helping to prepare for the year-end audit in November. This position gives me a great deal of hands-on experience which allows me to better comprehend how financials of non-profit organizations are compiled and calculated.






Administrative Assistant Intern/Receptionist

Since April 2010 I work as an Administrative Assistant/Receptionist under Tim O’Rourke, the VP of Temple’s Computer and Financial Services, his AVPs and their Administrative Assistants. In this position I learned to communicate effectively and further learned the importance of time management. Between keeping track of the 15 people within the suite and the additional visitors, while answering the phones and performing regular office duties, the importance of time management and multitasking often comes into play. Each day brings a new learning experience and forming close relationships with those I communicate with keep the job interesting.







Sales Associate

At Oasis Market Inc, a family owned convenience store equipped with Sunoco Gasoline and car wash, I completed an average of 200 transactions daily on the cash register and lottery machine.  During the two years as an employee of Oasis Market, I learned the importance of hard work and dependability.  From 2007-2009 I provided sales assistance and training to the new employees, operated the lottery machine and was given the responsibility of the safe. In working to my highest potential I was trusted with many responsibilities and given the opportunity to share insight and ideas on improving the company.




Future Goals


Fed Reserve Bank of Phila   Starbucks      


I ultimately would like to become a Financial Examiner and obtain my AFE and CFE certifications.  Financial management is also an area I have great interest in and I would love the opportunity to work as a manager or examiner for a multinational corporation. I feel that my International Business background will help me to provide a valuable perspective to my employer and make me a valuable asset to the corporation.

Working for a company that has a strong focus on employee happiness and growth is also very important to me. This is why the above companies are some of my top choices for career starters.  With what can sometimes be  known as stressful world of finance, I want to ensure that while following the career path of my majors I also have a high quality of life.

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