Final Exam Reminder
Just a reminder that your final exam will be on Monday, December 19 at 8:00am in the same room as class. Please make sure that all missing assignments, quizzes and weekly questions are done before the start of the exam. Grades will be submitted after the exam.
Extra Credit, due date changed to 8:50am Monday 12/12/16
As decided by the class on Friday (if you were a few minutes late, you may have missed this), consensus was to change the due date/time of the Extra Credit assignment to Monday, 12/12/16, by the end of class (8:50 am). It was originally due at the end of Group Final Presentations on Friday 12/9/16. So you now have until Monday, 12/12/16, at 8:50 am, the end of Exam Review, to submit the Extra Credit.
You can find the original posting here.
Have a great weekend!
Professor Pote
Webex recording of Friday’s lecture is posted.
Friday’s lecture has been recorded on Webex and posted on the Class Captures page of this community site. Please make sure you watch and ask any questions via email, or on Monday 12/12, when we conduct the exam review.
See you all Monday for Final Presentations!
Professor Pote
Study Guide for Exam 3 (Final Exam)
Here is the study guide for the third (final) exam.
Welcome back! Webex recording of Monday’s lecture is posted.
Welcome back from Fall Break! I hope you’re all rested and ready to finish out our semester.
Monday’s lecture has been recorded on Webex and posted on the Class Captures page of this community site. Please make sure you watch before Wednesday’s class, and come with any questions on the material.
Also, the videos I show in the recording didn’t translate well (the audio is garbled and difficult to hear). Here are the links so you can watch them from their source:
IBM’s Watson Supercomputer Destroys Humans in Jeopardy
See you all Wednesday,
Professor Pote
Additional Speaker – Gabe Stein, author of “Beating NSA to the Punch by Spying on Myself”
From: James Base <james.base@temple.edu>
Date: Tue, Nov 1, 2016 at 6:41 PM
Subject: Fwd: WebEx meeting scheduled: Speaker Session for Data Science: Gabe Stein
To: ermira.zifla@temple.edu
2nd Guest Speaker and Extra Credit
As discussed on Monday, Oct 31 at the start of class (see Class Capture if you arrived late), we were to have a guest presenter on Wednesday, Nov 2, one of my students from Fall 2015 semester, Logan Peterson. Logan is a 3rd year Marketing student, also pursuing a double minor in Management Information Systems, and Geography and Urban Studies. He was to present on his work with data from his last internship.
Due to a scheduling conflict, Logan will not be able to present in person on Wednesday. However, he presented to my Spring 2016 Data Science class, and we captured his presentation via Class Capture. In lieu of having Logan speak live, you’ll be able to view his recorded session from that Spring session.
Note, the recording can only be accessed via Blackboard, not this community site. This is to protect confidential information shared by Logan about the organization he interned with. (If you recall, this community site is open to the public Internet.) You may view the presentation by logging first into my Blackboard site, and then logging into the Mediasite portal with your AccessNet ID and password. The link is at the bottom of this post.
In addition to viewing Logan’s presentation, I am also offering the opportunity to earn extra credit in conjunction with this video.
Based on the presentation, you may earn extra credit by answering at least 6 of the questions below. Each quality answer (2-3 sentences) is worth ½ a point on your final grade. If you choose to answer all 10 questions, it can add up to 5 points, or around 2 letter steps (e.g. B- to B+) to your final grade for this class. But you must make this worth both our time. You do not need to answer all 10 questions, but you must answer at least 6 questions for me to accept and grade your submission.
- Give an example of data Logan received to analyze.
- Describe how he processed that data into information.
- Describe how he used that information to derive a specific insight.
- Describe a challenge Logan had with the data he received.
- Describe a challenge he had processing the data into information.
- Describe a challenge he had extracting insights from that information.
- Name a possible bias you observed in Logan’s data set.
- At what stage of analysis was that bias introduced?
- Hypothesis formulation
- Establishing measurement methodology
- Data collection
- Summarizing data
- Displaying data
- Analyzing data
- Interpreting results
- How could you correct for the bias?
- What was the most surprising thing you learned during Logan’s presentation?
You have until the end of class, 8:50 am on December 9, 2016, to complete this for extra credit. No late submissions will be accepted.
You will submit it to my OwlBox at (MIS0855.1ptopenatj1r90sy@u.box.com) from your Temple account. As usual, save your receipt.
You can access the Class Capture here.
I will have all extra credit submissions graded and uploaded by the last day of class, on December 12.
Professor Pote
Study Guide for Exam 2
Here is the study guide for the second exam, which will be on Friday, November 4, 8:00am.
Format for review is same as for the first exam:
- Unstructured, for my part. I do not have an agenda for topics to cover. I will field questions as you ask them, but only if you ask them.
- I won’t answer questions like “what’s going to be on the exam”.
- Conceptually, the following are subject for valid questions:
- Anything on the study guide
- Anything from the readings
- Anything from the slides and in-class activities
- Anything from the Assignments
- Anything from the quizzes and weekly questions
- When the questions stop or we reach 50 minutes, class will end.
- On the matter of questions:
- There are no dumb questions.
- Don’t self-censor. Ask your question, and leave it to me to determine if it’s one I’m inclined to answer, discuss, or if it’s too close to the “what’s on the exam” slant to respond to.
- Remember if you have the question, likelihood is someone else does too, and they’ll probably thank you for asking it.
- And lastly, do come to class with questions in hand.
Suggested study approach:
- Review the Study Guide first, then:
- Start with the slides
- Look at the major concepts
- Where a slide is associated with a reading, review the reading that covers the major concept
- Understand how the reading is associated with the slide, and the reading’s key concepts
- Then look at the quizzes
- Review the questions and answers to the quizzes
- Understand where all the answers came from, review those readings
- Then review the In-Class Exercises
- If we did it in an exercise, it’s probably important.
- Focus on topics we emphasized in the Exercises.
- Then, review your Assignments.
- Lastly, re-read any readings you didn’t review in the prior study steps.
What will be on the exam, in order of likelihood, are:
- Things we talked about explicitly in class
- Slides, and readings directly associated with them
- Things I quizzed you on
- Things we worked on in class through the exercises
- Things you used while completing Assignments
- Other things from readings that may not have otherwise been emphasized in class discussion or readings
Video Walkthrough of Assignment #2 Solution
A link to a WebEx video walking through the solution to Assignment 2 has been posted to the Class Captures page. It’s about 20 minutes long, and walks you through the answers, graphs, tips on how to build them, and how to derive the answers from them. It’s all there for you to see!
It may ask you to install a WebEx plug-in to view the video, go ahead and do that.
As always, if you have questions unanswered after viewing the video, email me and we’ll schedule office hours to review.
Video Walkthrough of ICA 4.2 – Getting Familiar with Tableau
I’ve uploaded a video walkthrough of the first Tableau in-class activity that was started last Friday. Because it’s so integral to becoming acquainted with Tableau, and many elements are used in Assignment #2, I want to make sure you have this activity completed and can build on for the remainder of the course.
There are tips in the video that are not covered in the activity worksheet, things we’ll cover later in the course in depth. For instance, the order that you put measures into the row shelf will define how the data is sorted on screen. Or, how to convert a scatterplot or bar chart into a line graph. I’ve had a few questions about how to do the line chart, and I demonstrate how to do that at 17:30-20:00.
If you have any difficulty viewing the video, please contact me ASAP. Else, enjoy and I hope you find this useful.
EDITED TO ADD: you’ll find the video under the Class Capture page.