Information Systems in Organizations


Hololens and Conference Calls

Many people use conference calling on a daily basis. It is only recently that we have been able to do video conference calling as well. But how much better would it be for us to be able to have virtual conference calling? Microsoft has announced their newest project known as HoloLens which will be a virtual reality. This will allow people “the ability to work within [their] most idealized context. Users will now be able to provide their own personalized setting during their sell of a new product, or the next big idea that they are trying to bring to their company. HoloLens will bring to life the perfect setting for different people. This could be the future of conference calling.


Discussion Questions:

1. Companies are always trying to enhance their ways of communication. Do you think they could benefit from using HoloLens when it is released? If so, how? If not, why is that?

2. Could HoloLens possibly take over conference calling entirely?

3. Would HoloLens only be beneficial to Conference calling or is there another way it could be used?