Exams & Examity
Examity: This course requires students to complete 3 Exams through an online proctoring service, Examity. Each exam has an associated cost of $15 per exam.
When completing the exam, students must have a webcam and microphone to be heard and seen by the proctor. Students without such devices will not be allowed to complete their final exam and will receive a zero for the assessment. To complete the exam, students must register with Examity (details available in Canvas) and create a user profile with 3-user specific security questions and answers, an uploaded image of a valid state ID, and set their current time zone in Examity’s system. This profile will be used by the proctor to verify student identity when entering the exam. The exam will be recorded by the proctor and made available to the professor to view for infractions. For more details on Examity and the final exam, please see the course schedule and Blackboard.