Fall 2015

Welcome to MIS 3504 Digital Design and Innovation Studio

Welcome to Digital Design and Innovation!

We hope that you will enjoy the new format of this class.  This course will be taught as a design studio for majors only, meaning that you will be “doing” rather than “memorizing” for most of the semester.  We will teach you a number of analysis and synthesis skills and give you case studies on which to practice them.  The focus of your work will be a semester long project that you will work on with your team.   The project will address the real concerns of an existing organization.   In the end, you will build a justinmind prototype that embodies your design of how to solve their real problems.

This course will require a lot of work, much of it using skills you haven’t yet mastered.   We will review your work every week, sometimes harshly.  We want you to learn how to process constructive feedback and incorporate it into each iteration of your work.  By the time you leave this class we want you to be comfortable jumping into something new by doing it, getting feedback and then improving on what you did.  This is what good design is all about.

We’re looking forward to getting started.

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