Fall 2015

James C. Moustafellos

Final Presentation order

Here is the order for the Final Presentations:

Tuesday, December 1st

PAB Reviewers:  David Gray, Jonathan Stiles, Emily Hart (?)

Team C:  Website

Team G:  Digital Playbill

Team B:  Website

Team F:  Digital Marketing Strategy

Thursday, December 3rd

PAB Reviewers:  Jonathan Stiles, Emily Hart

Team A:  Digital Marketing Strategy

Team D:  Digital Playbill

Team E:  Website


Information from PAB

Does the Pennsylvania Ballet have any videos they can make available to the class? My team would like to use original video content for our webpage prototype.

We do. What is the best way to get it to you? We will probably send clips that are under 3 minutes, as our agreements give us more flexibility with video that length.

How would you classify the current PAB programs – using your categories of  Classic/Contemporary/Cutting Edge

Classic- George Balanchine’s The Nutcracker and Don Quixote

Contemporary- Strength & Longing and A Program of Firsts

Cutting Edge- Speed & Precision and Balanchine & Beyond

Could we receive documentation that lists the ballets and the dancers that were in those ballets?  [Many teams are looking at filtering ballets by the dancers who performed in them.  Any documentation of dancers and their roles in each perfor.mance would be great]

Attached is a zip folder with almost all of last year’s Playbills (which include the casting). I’m missing one program from my records, but this should be enough to demonstrate functionality. Please let me know if you have any questions (good luck!). 2014-2015 Playbills

  1. How many people are on your email listserv?

What we call our “full database” is about 70,000, but the lists we pull vary greatly depending on the message we are sending. For example, we may target people that went to a particular performance (say, Nutcracker) for emails about the same or similar performances. We also suppress anyone that already has a ticket to a particular series if the email contains a discount to that series.

  1. How often do you send emails to the people on your listserv?

Emails about a particular show are about once a week for the four weeks leading up to the performances. We also try to coordinate with the development department and their schedule so that we do not overwhelm our patrons. We have not been sending out many ‘general info’ emails (we should be doing more on that front).

  1. How much do you spend on printing playbills per season/year?

We’re looking in to this (our contract with Playbill is shockingly thin!). I believe we just pay if we need the program book to be bigger than 40 pages. They keep the ad revenue in exchange for the printing.

  1. How many playbills do you print per show?

1200-1700 per performance

Follow-up information from Emily on CUSTOMER FEEDBACK

Below is information from Emily about customer feedback they receive.  The feedback is attached.

I’ve attached a word document of some of the feedback the ballet has received over the years from patrons. I’ve opted not to include their names. The first few are from our Tessitura database and are CSI (Customer Service Issue) notes that are updated by Ticket Philadelphia staff. You can tell that some people really don’t like Merriam Theater!

The second section is a list of direct emails sent to our info inbox (info@paballet.org). Most of these emails are inquiries about performance times and any online purchase issues. Sometimes we receive feedback on the overall experience of the ballet and if the patron enjoyed it, or have suggestions on how we can make their experience better. I typically reply to the info inbox emails personally and encourage patrons to reach out to us directly if there is an issue.

Here is the feedback:  CustomerService_Feedback


Below is the list of Project Deliverables.

DUE:  10 DEC 5:00pm

Hard Copies delivered to JILLIAN in MIS Office (SPK 210)

Electronic Copies submitted to course Shared Drive.  (You will receive an invitation from Ben/Leigh)


  • ELECTRONIC SUBMISSIONS via shared Google drive
  1. Your scope document
  2. The working JIM prototype (VP File)
  3. The scenarios that your prototype represents (in VP File)
  4. Data masters or variables for all data fields on the prototype (in VP File)
  5. Business rules documented in a separate Word document
  6. Use Cases that your prototype represents in a separate Word document
  7. JIM Report as a Word Document
  8. Powerpoint Presentation
  • Your scope document
  • JIM report on your prototype with all options turned on
  • Your Powerpoint presentation ( 4 Hardcopies – 3 slides per sheet for each submitted the day of your presentation to distribute to reviewers)

Gas Company Extra Credit Criteria

Extra Credit:
Due date moved to 10/22:

You are developing a tool for a customer service representative of the Gas Company

Based on the case, create a tool that:
1. Ask all of the right questions
2. Applies the right business rules
as conditions
3. Based upon the answers, calculates the correct fees

Night Owl Extra Credit (#2) criteria

Using your DATA SCHEMA and the CASE as a starting point, create a working eCommerce prototype that:
1.  uses the DATA in the prototype’s   functions
2.  completes and totals a ticket   purchase and sales tax
3.  tracks purchase history for the   loyalty program