Amy Lavin
Project Updates
Hi – please see the project tab for updates to the project, including deliverables and dates.
MIS3506 Portfolio Points Project
MIS3506: Digital Design & Innovation
Professional Achievement Points Assignment
Up to 50 points will be awarded
In 3506, we’ve spent time working with a client, gathering requirements and ultimately providing a solution to the client that we hope meets their needs. Delivering the solution contains two parts – the Justinmind prototype and the accompanying documentation. For this assignment, should you choose to accept it, you should focus on a process at a former job that may not have been as efficient as possible or you feel could have been done better. Take that process and break it down step by step (analysis). Then, using the tools we’ve discussed in class, create a prototype in Justinmind that will improve the efficiency of the process (design).
Your deliverables are:
Scope document – a one page write up of the current process, system requirements and inefficiencies. Include details about what your objectives are for delivering the solution – what do you hope to attain?
A use case that details how the user will utilize your solution
A data schema, detailing what data will be collected
A 1-2 screen Justinmind prototype
Note: Please combine deliverables 1, 2 & 3 into one word document.
Please upload your prototype and document to the following email address: MIS3506.aev1bl1fev95594y@u.box.com
To receive credit, the files must start with your last name
Due by 11:59 PM on December 10, 2017
Interview #1 Recording Posted
The recording for Interview #1 has been posted to the course site under the Project tab. Happy viewing!
Welcome to MIS3506
Welcome to MIS3506!