Fall 2018

Extra Credit Assignments

Sales Order Prototype

Using the Sales Order case as a starting point, create a prototype in Justinmind of an online sales order form. Include check-out in the process. Make sure to include all of the DATA needed to complete the transaction.

Sample: Sales Order Prototype – Example.vp

Submit the .vp file to OWLbox by 11:59PM on the due date.  Email the file from your Temple email account to: Sales_O.rvqhfd43nf19sd2u@u.box.com

Night Owl Prototype

Using your DATA SCHEMA and the Night Owl CASE as a starting point, create a working eCommerce prototype that:
1.  uses the DATA in the prototype’s functions
2.  completes and totals a ticket purchase and sales tax
3.  tracks purchase history for the loyalty program

Submit the .vp file to OWLbox by 11:59PM on the due date.  Email the file from your Temple email account to: Night_O.am534yd6zb9h3s2u@u.box.com

Gas Deposit Prototype

You are developing a tool for a customer service representative of the Gas Company.

Based on the case, create a tool that:
1. Ask all of the right questions
2. Applies the right business rules as conditions
3. Based upon the answers, calculates the correct fees

Submit the .vp file to OWLbox by 11:59PM on the due date.  Email the file from your Temple email account to: Gas_Dep.mrfv3093m0af6vry@u.box.com