Spring 2017

Course structure


There will be three hourly examinations throughout the semester. These exams will cover both the assigned readings and the application of the techniques presented in class in the form of a case study with questions. The exams will be multiple choice. Missed exams can only be made up in the case of documented and verifiable extreme emergency situations. Each exam will be graded on a 0-100% scale and together they will account for 75% of your final grade.

Please note that the slides and/or class discussions may not include everything that is covered by the textbooks. If a certain topic is not covered in the class it does not mean that you are not responsible for it. You will be responsible for everything in the relevant chapters in the textbooks and the readings, unless I specify otherwise.

Scope Document

We will be working on a single case throughout the semester. Your will need to write a scope document that described the context in which our client finds itself, a cogent description of its problem, and a series of carefully worded client objectives. Your scope document must be turned in at the start of class on paper. Your team will review each other’s scope documents and write a team scope which will be turned in.

Team Project

We will introduce a case study early in the semester. Your team will analyze the situation the case presents using the tools and techniques we introduce throughout the semester. You will then, as a team, construct a prototype of your proposed solution using Justinmind and you will present your solution to the client.

We will evaluate the following when reviewing you team’s project. For each criteria we will decide whether your efforts exceed expectations, meet them or fail to meet them.

Scope (How well did you define a real problem that the client cares about? 20%
Prototype (How well did you use JIM to specify a viable solution to your client’s problem? 20%
Innovation (How creative or original is your solution to the customer’s problem?) 10%
Presentation (How well did you sell your ideas?) 20%
Use Cases/Scenarios (How well does your persona demonstrate how your prototype will solve the client’s problem) 10%
Data (How well have you used the data features of JIM to specify the data that will be needed for your solution?) 10%
Business Rules (How well have you articulated the business rules that would govern your client’s use of your solution) 10%

Your team’s project will receive a numeric grade of up to 100 points. Your individual project grades will be assigned based on peer and instructor evaluation and may vary +/- 10 points.

Project Team Peer Review Sessions

For three consecutive weeks during the second half of the semester you will review your team’s prototype and project work with another team. The quality of this weekly peer review will impact the quality of your team’s final submission so you will want to take these sessions seriously.

Class Discussions

Come to class prepared to work. This is an applied course, meaning that you will be learning skills and using them in class. For a typical class, we will discuss the readings that are due, learn one or more new skills and practice them and then critique each other’s work. You must be willing to give and receive honest, constructive criticism to do well in this class.

Extra Credit

There are 3 prototyping opportunities to earn extra credit points during the semester. Students are required to produce a prototype in Justinmind for each of the following class exercises:

  • Sales Order Prototype
  • Night Owl Data Prototype
  • Gas Company Prototype

Students who submit prototypes that are complete AND well done will earn 1 point on their FINAL grade for each. (Maximum of 3 points total)