MIS 3537 – Spring 2017

100 Second Reflection for Week 1

Think for 100 seconds, and summarize the key things that you learned in the class in Week 1

Intro to course

What is the Supply Chain?  Lecture


26 Responses to 100 Second Reflection for Week 1

  • What I learned in today’s class that really stuck with me was the amount of different paths even one part of one product takes from being a raw material to contributing to the final product. Specifically citing the beer example we started in class, I never realized how one ingredient, like yeast or hops, could have such a complex supply chain on its own, and it put into perspective how accurate and effiencient a successful company’s supply chain must be, because even if one ingredient is later then expected, it could paralyze a whole business operation.

  • One of the key lessons that I took away from Week 1 was a deeper insight into the depth that some supply chains have. Through the in-class example of purchasing a four-pack of beer, it was made clear that everyday actions are supported by longer interconnected networks in many companies’ supply chains. Something as menial as a four-pack of beer has been through a long and labor-filled journey, from the beginning of its creation to its consumption.

  • What I learned in today’s class that really stuck with me was the amount of different paths even one part of one product takes from being a raw material to contributing to the final product. Specifically citing the beer example we started in class, I never realized how one ingredient, like yeast or hops, could have such a complex supply chain on its own, and it put into perspective how accurate and efficient a successful company’s supply chain must be, because even if one ingredient is later then expected, it could paralyze a whole business operation.

  • This week we had a general overview of what we will be learning in this course. We will be learning about how the Supply Chain uses internet and IT to be more efficient. We also discussed how one product can be made up of several different supply chains. We talked about Tide being sold in Walmart which is several supply chains built into just one product. We also talked about what makes up a supply chain. This includes manufacturers, transportation methods, retail outlets, and more.

  • One of the key learning from the first week was how much movement it takes to get raw materials into the final product. As a consumer, I can easily take something off the shelf without even thinking how much time/energy/labor it took for that one bottle of hand soap. Carefully analyzing each step from the chemical plant to the transportation, brought light to how much actually goes into the products we consume. While a supply chain may look simple on paper, the physical workings of the supply chain in day to day operation are very complex and require attention to detail.

  • In the first class session, I learned what constitutes a supply chain and how knowledge of supply chains can support strategic decision making. In any real-world business decision concerning supply chains, I learned that one must be conscious of the the information systems and global factors that revolve around supply chains management. One thing I hope to learn in this course is about the shifts in supply chain management, specifically how integration is going from cross-functional to cross-enterprise.

  • In this first week I got a new perspective on Supply Chain Management. I learned what a supply chain actually is and the functions involved with it. I also learned that globalization has a lot more effect on supply chains than I previously thought. With everything being done overseas these days, globalization can affect every step of a supply chain. Utility was also introduced, which is a new concept to me and ties into the ‘7 R’s’. It is new concepts like these that I am excited to learn about because I know that knowledge such as that will be applicable in the real world after graduation.

  • In the first week I learned that SC is a logistics network that involves a series of parties such as manufacturers, suppliers, warehouses, distribution centers and retailers. From customers buying a product and all the way back to getting the raw materials are considered as a SC and it can be complicated to manage them. How to manage and efficiently integrate different parties in the SC will be one of the main goals of SC management. The decision made regarding SC management are usually long term and hard to reverse. With globalization and new technologies nowadays, virtualization, global collaboration and sustainability are the recent trends in the industry.

  • In class we went over the basics of supply chain by drawing out the possible supply chain for a beer company to include its packaging needs. Mapping this out was a good visual to see how much goes in to everything we buy. Normally when we buy things we don’t think that the materials may have been through 10 different locations before it reached our home. We also discussed the Supply Chain network that begins with raw materials and ends with the consumer.

  • In the first class, I got a better understanding of the definition of supply chain and everything that goes into it. Since I am an MIS major, I have not discussed in my other classes thoroughly about the process and importance of supply chains. The example that we discussed in class was purchasing a four-pack of beer at a brewery in Brooklyn. After we drew out the diagram of all of the entities involved in the process, it was interesting to see how many materials were involved in creating the final product (ex. aluminum can, customized cardboard case, beer ingredients, etc.).

  • As a supply chain student, I thought this session was going to be more of a review, but it was far more than that. I understood how important and complex supply chain processes are, even for something as simple as craft beer, but it is a very important lesson to see it drawn out and diagrammed. Another thing that was important to reflect on is how much the internet effects supply chain processes. The world is continuously changing, so companies need to adapt to keep up, or they will fall behind completely.

  • I class we discussed what it took for a pack of beer to be made. I always understood from the beer distributor’s perspective that they had to acquire the materials to make the product, but it never occurred to me that where they acquire the materials from have their own supply chain. The supply chain for creating a pack of beer was much more expansive than I first understood. It also made me realize the risks associated with creating such a complicated product. There are so many events that could occur to interrupt the creation of the final product because there is so much that can affect the process.

  • In class, we drew a diagram to show how every item we purchase has to go through countless different supply chains. Then the professor told us how this course would be beneficial in the future regardless of our major or future employment. Next, we discussed what supply chain means and the key concepts that make up the field. One exercise we did in class was we split up into groups and explained different supply chain terms. Then we finished up class by talking about trends in the field of supply chain.

  • The first lecture provided insight on the core fundamentals of the supply chain. We examined the complex chain of events that take place during the manufacturing of everyday goods, specifically beer coming from a brewery. We also spoke about the impact that technological advancements have had on traditional supply chain strategies, one of the most prominent being IT. As a student who is highly interested in the impact information technology can have within an enterprise, I am surprised I never thought deeper into the possibilities within inventory management and logistics. It goes without saying that I am excited to continue learning about the subject throughout the semester.

  • Last week’s class was interesting, and I did learn a lot more about the supply chain. Through the supply chain diagram, I understood that the supply chain interconnects with different departments, different industries, and different materials in order to make a simple product that is ready for its consumers. Also, I learned that it is important to integrate information management system into the supply chain because it will make the supply chain more efficient in terms of timing and quality control.

  • In week one we reviewed the expectations of the course along with an introduction to supply chains. The supply chain was illustrated on a diagram and followed a craft beer business from raw materials to the end consumer. Then we discussed the composition of a supply chain and how IT contributes to the flow of information in the supply chain. The most fascinating thing we reviewed was the shifts in supply chain strategies. The shift from a supply focus to a demand focus is vital for any business to thrive. It made me reflect on some readings from James Womack on the importance of a pull strategy for any lean enterprise.

  • In week one we learned about the basics of supply chain and how finished products come to their final stage. In our example of the case of beer we looked at both the can and the packaging it came in. They both may have come from different recycling plants. The paper went to a warehouse that made it into cardboard then off to a labeling facility. The aluminum went to a factory that forms it into a can. They can and packing go to the brewery where the ingredients are made into beer and put into cans and packaging.

  • In the first week of class, we learned about how complex a supply chain is even if the product is either big or small. We went through the supply chain composition of a beer brewery and how extensive that is. We also review the power of technology on supply chains which is very intensive. Nowadays, the world we live in is constantly changing but at the same time interconnected and it is important for companies to be able to change in adapt as new technologies come up. Being a Supply Chain major, the class was also a good refresher for concepts I have studied in my other supply chain classes

  • In the first class period we talked about how the global supply chain influences business in many ways. When most people hear supply chain they don’t think of the many businesses that are actually affected. Tourism and Hospitality is an example of an industry that many wouldn’t think of as being supply chain related however goods are consumed and commodities are constantly purchased and transported to these places. We also went over the basics of what a supply chain consists of mainly focusing on manufacturing, procurement, transportation & logistics, warehousing, and production.

  • The first week of this course was compiled of information about the importance of efficient supply chains and the different aspects that contribute to its success. We learned how raw materials, the flow of goods and services, and storage are all important parts of a supply chain. It was noted how the increased customer demand and knowledge has forced businesses to have strong control and efficiently management of products. The example of the beer company’s supply chain allowed me to visualize the SC within a business. I look forward to having a more in-depth knowledge about the supply chain process.

  • What I had learned from the first week of class is the flows of supply chain activity from the example of craft beer. It is very important to make sure every department is productive so the final product is available in the right place with the right quality and at the right timing that there would be no stock-out. I look forward to see how technology integrated in the supply chain system and how the data flows within the supply chain.

  • I was not present for the first day of class. But when I think about a supply chain I think of a vast and complex mechanism that traces the origins of the product through the delivery of the final product. I am a senior MIS major and am excited to see how the internet and technology is utilized to create and manage diverse supply chains.

  • In addition to my understanding of what supply chain is and the goal to deliver final product to right locations on time at lowest cost possible, I learned factors that need to be decided when managing a supply chain such as locations of warehouses and choices of facilities, information technologies and if outsourcing or not. There’re some trends mentioned in class such as sharing supply chain and virtual sourcing which I’m very interested in. Plus it’s important to keep in mind that the design of supply chain must match the business goals and mission.

  • Our first class meeting gave me insight into what a supply chain that I previously did not have. Before this class meeting, I only thought of a supply chain as a means of moving physical commodities involved in a company’s operations, along with their monetary transactions. Now I understand that a supply chain is just as much of a delivery network as it is a logistics network. A crucial aspect of a supply chain that I had not previously considered is the movement and visibility of information. I also learned about and refreshed my knowledge on key terms involved in supply chain management such as VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory) and Demand Forecasting. VMI is a method of SCM in which the supplier bears much of the responsibility for managing inventory levels, and Demand Forecasting is the common practice of predicting demand of a product in order to know how much to produce.

  • The first class meeting was very interesting due to the fact that the teacher gave us explanation about the objectives of this course. We learned how company are using information systems to revolution their supply chain. Supply chain has become a tool that can give company a competitive advantages. Supply chain management is a global network that manage the movement of goods and services between companies. Some of the factors that are driving SC is information technology, customized products and the need for collaboration among businesses.

  • In week one, we took an overview of the course academic schedule for the entire semester. In addition, we discussed the core concept of Supply Chain and how important supply chain is in people’s life in generally. Professor displayed how supply chain related our daily life by presenting an interesting real life experience (bought beers) and introduced the tech. As well, we discussed how technologies impact on supply chain field in modern business mode. I excited about the content what we covered in our first class, and look forward learning more about supply chain.

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