Temple University

Weekly Posts and Deadlines

I want to go over your weekly activities a second time to make sure there is no confusion.  Each Friday, you will find a post with questions about that week’s readings and case.  Once you have finished the readings you should answer one of the weekly reading questions in a post (please use the correct category) on the class blog before 11:59pm on Wednesday ( you only need to answer one of the reading questions, not all of them.)

Then you should turn you attention to the weekly case or activity.  For cases, use the questions to guide your preparation for that week’s discussion in class.  Occaissionally, we will discuss a week’s case online.  I’ll give you more instructions about how to do that when the time comes to go online.

Finally, once everyone’s readings comments are on the blog, I expect you to read them over and comment on them.  Comments on the readings need to be posted on class blog before 11:59pm on Friday (minimum of 4 comments each week).


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Weekly Topics