Temple University

Week 10 Wrap-Up: STARS IT Balanced Scorecard

There were a lot of good ideas in all your posts about what metrics to include.  A few of you focused too much on metrics that were internal to IT’s operation.  This is a common mistake for IT people.  The business is more interested in what IT is contributing, not how they do it.    The project portfolio is important because it is the overt link to business strategy.  If you are funding projects that don’t align your strategy or the business’ goals it should come out here.  ROI is very hard to measure you should try to, even if its by business process metrics, not dollars.  I liked that Colin highlighted the consultant fees problem and that Kacper proposed a business process metric that is tied to IT.  Well done.

Here are my thought:


  1. Current spend compared to budget, prior year and current re-forecast.
  2. Budget spending by run-the-engine and discretionary investments – Goal, reduce the former, increase the later
  3. Consulting Fees – RISK – Show consulting fees over time with goal to reduce them
  4. Asset inventory – RISK – Show the collection of IT asset and percentage out of support with goal to reduce.


  1. Current availability data ,goal is no unplanned downtime
  2. Disruptions this year and root causes of each – goal to eliminate all
  3. Helpdesk calls by type with analysis of key issues
  4. Current customer satisfaction metric overtime, goal to increase
  5. RISK – highlight calls/disruptions connected to out-of-support assets

Business Investments

  1. Listed by key business goal -Business process metrics highlighted for each goal overtime, IT projects and total funding related to each goal.  Goal is to show improvement on the business process metrics overtime.
  2. IT investments linked to goal, projected ROI, funded or not, goal is to show alignment of dollars
  3. IT Projects currently underway goal 100% on time,budget, scope
    1. Percentage on time
    2. Percentage on budget
    3. Percentage on scope
  4. Problem projects listed with issues goal is transparency – no surprises

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