Temple University

Week 3 Summary and in the News

Summary: Metasploit Framework (MSF) provides all the necessary tools to exploit a system.  The tool provides of over 900 different exploits for several operating systems.  Metasploit also checks for the susceptibility of the of the targeted system.  You can then configure the appropriate payload to be launched on the target system then choose the encoding technique which will evade intrusion  preventions systems.  Finally, you then execute the exploit to gain access to the target system.

In the News: http://www.databreachtoday.com/more-phishing-attacks-target-ukraine-energy-sector-a-8822

The Ukrainian energy sector continues to be targeted by spear-phishing emails, security experts warn. But it’s not clear if the latest phishing campaign ties to last month’s power blackout in parts of the Ukraine, which officials have blamed on a “hacker attack


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