Temple University

Week 11 Summary


IEEE 802.11 family standard is a set of Layer 1 and Layer 2 specifications of OSI model for implementing WLANs. Developed by IEEE committee in 1997, 802.11 standard was the first wireless networking standard while 802.11b being accepted more widely, followed by next generations of standards 802.11/g/n/ac. Each standard defines various wireless characteristics and functions, including frequency channels, speed, bandwidth, signal modulation. Architecture of Wireless networking is very complex and requires deep understanding of all logical and physical components of its nature such as components: STA, IBSS, ESS, DS; operation modes, Infrastructure vs. Ad-Hoc, and others. Protocols include EAP, WEP, WPA2 and 802.11x for port-based security. The Wireless technology evolves rapidly given its wire-equivalent capabilities and most likely in the future will replace cabling in most areas. However, security will have to advance in order to provide great protection against malicious attacks.

Question to the Class:

Given Wireless deployment in public areas, such as recent New York wide setup of Wireless Stations for public access, should it be considered as a luxurious opportunity for Hackers to attack more?

In the News:

Malvertising Campaign Hits Top Websites to Spread Ransomware

Once clicked, the malicious Ad redirects the user to a malicious website that hosts Angler Exploit Kit (AEK) to infect visitors by installing malware and ransomware on their computer.
Angler Exploit Kit includes many malicious hacking tools and zero-day exploits that let hackers execute drive-by attacks on visitors’ computers.
In this case, the Angler kit scans for the vulnerable PCs and loads Bedep Trojan and TeslaCrypt Ransomware, opening doors for hackers to further install a variety of malicious programs.


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