I found this article a week ago and I thought it was interesting since I know at my job, other companies and even Temple students use Google Chrome for work or personal use. The malware would ask users to call a number and when they do, it would of course ask for personal info. This would let the hackers to gain and steal people’s info. Google is working on getting it fixed and companies won’t block access to browsers and ask for information to unlock it.
Week 03
Kali Update – 404 error when using update && upgrade
I was getting the 404 with several tools when apt-get update && apt-get upgrade. This command worked.
wget -q -O – archive.kali.org/archive-key.asc | apt-key add
You can read more up on repositories on below but the sources.list file should look like this
deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main contrib non-free
# For source package access, uncomment the following line
deb-src http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main contrib non-free
I assume this is the case if you just downloaded and install, but may not be the case for older versions of kali. EXAMPLE… Last semester!
You may also have the “#” in front of yours. Notice the “#” is gone before the one above. You will need to remove the “#” if you want to use source packages when “playing” certain tools included with kali.