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Reflection on Resume Building (Basic Profile)

Development of one’s resume is one of the most incredibly complex and critical tasks in any avenue of business,
but it is arguably of the height of importance in technology-based fields such as MIS. Whereas a fair amount of jobs
available are relatively flexible in terms of past experience (as shown by the fact that only 27% of people in America are
employed in a position related to their major), many MIS and data analysis jobs require specific or specialized

understanding of a certain program, series of events, or coding language. And to make everything harder, you only have
a single page to convey and convince a potential employer of your skills and abilities.
I spent a large amount of time when developing my basic profile on the refining of my resume. It’s a hard and
consistently ongoing task, as many experiences and major developments are constantly expanding or blooming,
requiring a fair amount of upkeep and polishing to keep it modern. I’m looking forward to drafting a final, all-inclusive
resume as my senior year begins to peak.

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