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Spring 2021 Courses

Honors Digital Systems (MIS 2901)

In this course, I hope to learn more about digital product management and programming. 

Honors Financial Accounting (FIN 2901)

In this course, I hope to learn how companies manage their finances and how external investors evaluate them. 


Fall 2020 Courses

Honors Introduction to Risk Management (RMI 2901)

In this course, I learned about how businesses can evaluate and manage risks. 

Honors Legal Environment of Business (BA 2996)

In this course, I learned about the legal procedures within the world of business.


Spring 2020 Courses

Honors Leadership and Organizational Management (HRM 2901)

In this course, I learned about the significance of company culture and business ethics. 


Fall 2019 Courses

Becoming a Transformational Leader (EDUC 2900)

In this course, I learned how to better represent myself and to effectively communicate with those around me.

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