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Tokio Marine North America Services
Service Desk Intern
May 2014-August 2014

Tokio Marine North America Services (TMNAS) is a shared services company that assists insurance companies in areas such as Information Technology, Actuarial, Finance, Accounting, Human Resources, Legal, Internal Audit, and Facilities. The Tokio Marine organization originated in Japan over a century ago, providing insurance to maritime professionals. The company has spread internationally, now with offices also located in India and all across the United States. Tokio Marine is currently partnered with Philadelphia Insurance Companies (PHLY) and the First Insurance Company of Hawaii (FICOH). The home office for the entire Tokio Marine North America branch is located nearby in Bala Cynwyd, PA, where I worked this past summer.

As Service Desk Intern for TMNAS, I was put into a variety of roles. Most days I would grant and revoke various accesses for employees among my company and the partnering insurance companies (such as WebEx, ImageRight, Entrust, WhosOn, and Active Directory). I learned about applications that big businesses use and the consequences if they’re not properly maintained. Other times I was given projects such as updating the database of SOP’s and other help desk articles. Some tasks I would have to perform daily, such as updating a list of new hires to be onboarded during the week. Overall, this internship provided me with some valuable exposure to how a major company’s Information Technology department works.

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