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Dynamic World of Drone Photogpaphy

The event was sponsored by the MIS department at Temple. The event was a webinar hosted by Amy Lavin and Cara Evans featuring Chase Gutman, a photographer.

I learned about the Skyworks Project in Syracuse University, and how drone photography works. Chase also discussed the benefits of using drones for photography, as while you a flying drone you are able to see through the camera in real time, which makes navigation and setting up the perfect photo much easier. Also learned a bit about the history of drones, how they were first used by the military in torpedoes, and in 2001 when drones were being used by the CIA for war. Drones are also useful in appreciating the breadth and scale of events and places, making photography much easier, and allow for photographers to take shots from impossible angles.

This webinar relates to my coursework as I am currently learning about project management in the MIS3535 Lead Global digital Projects and one of the most important part about managing projects is having information for decision making. By using drones for photography you are able to get visual information regarding project sites to determine how the project is progressing, and if there are any issues during the construction, that need to be addressed. So learning how to operate a drone in a safe manner can be imperative if I were to become a project manager in the construction industry.

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