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This Year
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1275 Points
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MIS classes:


  • MIS 2101. Information Systems in Organizations: learned about the ethical challenges of IT and also gained some insight to what MIS professionals do.
  • MIS 2402. Data-Centric Application Development: learned how to create simple software such as HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, & JSON.
  • MIS 2502. Data Analytics: learned how to analyze data using various database systems such as MySQL, MongoDB, Tableau Prep, and RStudio. Also participated in the Data Analytics Challenge.
  • MIS 3406. Enterprise IT Architecture: learned about the IT structure for new digital products and services.
  • MIS 3506. Digital Solutions Studio: learned how to use design frameworks and new techniques to produce technology enabled solutions for clients.
  • MIS 3502. Web Service Programming
  • MIS 3535. Lead Global Digital Projects
  • MIS 4596. Managing Enterprise Cybersecurity

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