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Work Experience

Govberg LLC. | May 2017 – August 2017

Accounting Intern 


  • Data entry
  • Invoice research
  • Financial reporting
  • Exporting and analyzing reports with Microsoft Excel
  • Account Reconciliation
  • Database management
  • Company AMEX management.



Best Buy | August 2015 – Present

Sales Associate


  • Understanding the customers needs to recommend product
  • Monthly online classes and knowledge assessments for products within Best Buy
  • Selling and up-selling
  • Monthly coaching around performance
  • Opening and closing duties
  • Role plays to practice selling skills


*Note: Previous employment not included for brevity

Both of the above positions have provided me with invaluable skills that will follow me into my life and career. At Best Buy, I am responsible for engaging customers, discovering and evaluating their needs, building personalized solutions, and occasionally providing tech support. I am able to accomplish these tasks thanks to monthly product learning modules, weekly coachings, and monthly department sales evaluations. This, by far, has been the most valuable experience to develop communication and interpersonal skills. In addition to that, it has also helped with analytical skills. In a short period of questions and answers, it is expected that I understand the problem or need and provide a solution with the resources available; most times within a budget.

Govberg was a very different experience. When I began there, I was tasked with assisting the accounts payable (AP) department with balancing ledgers, contacting vendors, and various types of paperwork. As I started getting used to operations, there was a restructuring happening within the company, leaving us shorthanded an AP employee. With some supervision, I took over the role that was now empty, able to complete most tasks and take more on as the needs grew. This unique set of circumstances was frustrating, but also added value to my internship. It taught me to adapt to drastic change, and quickly learn new processes to keep business flowing.

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