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My Family & Hobbies



I am from Springfield, Pennsylvania where both my parents reside: my mother Rosemary lives with her husband Ed and my father Donald lives in the house where I grew up. I have two little brothers, Zachary and Matthew. Zachary is currently a 19 year old sophomore at Millersville University where he is studying Architecture, and Matthew is a 14 year old freshman at Springfield High School. Both Zac and I graduated from Springfield, and we are very excited to have a little brother starting school there this year! I love my family dearly, and they have helped my development tremendously.

From left to right: Me, my brother Matthew, my brother Zachary, and my father Donald is in the back.


My mother Rosemary and I after work one day!

Below is a picture of my Aunt and Uncle’s lake house in Whitewater, Wisconsin- where my father, brothers, cousins, and I regularly vacationed growing up. I’m extremely family-oriented and I feel that it has helped me become who I am today. I also put up this picture to signify that I love to be outside. Any hobby of mine involves being outside during all seasons. I enjoy golfing, snowboarding, swimming, fishing, and spending time at the beach. I’ve been extremely active my whole life playing both lacrosse and football until Junior year of high school. I also love to watch sports with my family and friends,



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