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Adobe XD for Designers

In Paul Trani’s course on Adobe XD, I gained a comprehensive introduction to the world of user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design, leveraging my existing skills as a graphic designer. The course provided valuable insights into essential concepts of UI and UX design, equipping me with the knowledge needed to transition seamlessly into this field. Paul guided me through the process of creating and sharing prototypes using Adobe XD, starting from the basics and gradually progressing to more advanced techniques.

Throughout the course, I learned how to create and import graphics, build layouts, utilize components effectively, and add interactions to develop fully functional prototypes. Paul emphasized UX design workflows and best practices, demonstrating how to create and test designs on various devices using Adobe XD’s innovative features.

By the end of the course, I had acquired practical skills and knowledge essential for UI and UX design, allowing me to confidently tackle design projects and collaborate effectively with clients and colleagues. Overall, the course served as an invaluable resource for enriching my professional skill set and expanding my capabilities as a designer.

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