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My Hobbies

Although I am a business student I have a huge passion for music. Throughout high school I performed in the musicals and the top chorus. In my senior year I was the president of my chamber choir. My plans for college involved music, however, I thought business would be a more fitting decision for me. I decided to not major in music, but I still continue to take voice classes and practice music. I also enjoy playing guitar in my spare time. I learned when I was around 14 years old and I still continue to play.



This is a website I created for my Cyberspace in Society class my sophomore year! It helps to exemplify my love of music.

Paula’s Website!

I also really enjoy playing sports! I’ve played both tennis and rugby in high school. I continue to play tennis in leagues at home and with my family. I would like to continue to play rugby here at  Temple and I am definitely considering trying out for the team my junior year! I also play intramural
 volleyball and softball here at temple. It’s a lot of fun to play with your friends and it’s a great way to stay in shape. 




I have many hobbies, but one of my very favorites is reading. I’ve been a big reader my entire life, which also really interested me in English Literature. The summer of 2013 I attended the Temple study abroad program in London! I took classes revolving around Shakespeare and other important English classics.

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