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Masters of Information Technology Auditing and Cyber Security

Today I attended the Information Technology Auditing and Cyber Security information session, and I found it to be very insightful.  I was able to get an overview of the curriculum needed for the degree separated into core courses, IT auditing track courses, and cyber-security track courses.  I was also not aware of the certifications that you can receive through this degree such as CISA: Certified Information Systems Auditor, and SSCP: Systems Security Certified Practitioner.  There was also a final overview of the requirements of the degree such as a 3.0 GPA, and a completion of 15 courses for a total of 30-39 credits.

After leaving this session, getting my masters in ITACS is something that I am highly considering.  I believe that other MIS professionals and students should also look into this, especially if they are not positive which direction they would like to go with their degree post-graduation.

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