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Academic Experience

Neshaminy High School 2009 – 2012

I graduated from Neshaminy High School in the spring of 2012 in the top five percent of my class with a cumulative GPA of 4.28. I was a member of the National Honor Society all four years of my high school career. I took advantage of various opportunities throughout high school such as blood drives, Gym Night, planning and decorating for proms, and volunteering to help during Challenge Day.

To find more information on my high school click here: Neshaminy High School

Penn State University

After completing high school I went on to continue my education at Penn State University as a student in the Smeal College of Business as a marketing major. I became an active member of the professional business fraternity, ‘Phi Chi Theta,’ and I continue to network with the other members as well as participate in fundraising activities.

Why Temple you might ask?

I decided to transfer after a semester at Penn State Main due to work opportunities close to home, and a love for the city which I had ignored when choosing a university to attend. The Fox School of Business enticed me the moment I walked through the doors, and the opportunity to be a part of this community with such diverse students and professors was something I was not willing to give up any longer.

Why MIS and Digital Marketing?

For a long time I struggled with correlating what I excelled in to my interests and passions. The introduction course to Management Information Systems was the first class I sat in and left every day with burning questions, not because I did not understand the material but because I was genuinely interested. I began to self reflect on the things I have enjoyed even at a young age such as computer design, technology, and photo and video editing. I decided second semester Sophomore year that I needed to make a change and I have been happy with this decision ever since.

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